Wellbeing Is More Than Bubble Baths

Wellbeing Is More Than Bubble Baths

10/09/2024 by

Gail Biddulph

When you’re tired of throwing well-being initiatives into thin air, crossing your fingers and waiting to see what lands…

It’s time to get strategic…

Well-being is more than bubble baths, a weekly yoga class or a calm app.

Sorry to disappoint, but neither is there a magic pill… well-being is a process. Like all good processes we get to the root of the problem and fix it.

The BIG question is…


Here’s the first step…

Awareness: What causes you stress? Makes you feel grumpy or say the same phrase over and over again?

When you become aware you’ll have the key to unlock your future success.

Here are a few frequent triggers…

👉 I hate selling
👉 I haven’t got time
👉 I hate admin – yuck
👉 I’m not good enough
👉 It’s quicker to do it myself

Find your mental, emotional or physical triggers.

Then create an intention of how you’d like to feel, think and act

Finally, create new or different actions.

This is a straightforward process, but on your own it can be difficult to reason with your own thoughts.

The path is easier when you walk it with an experienced guide… when you’re ready to take your next step, DM me and discover how your future success is already within you.

📸 Photograph is from a WalkShop in the Glyderau range of mountains in northern Snowdonia. We walked to Cwm Idwal with the intention of improving wisdom and well-being.

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When you’re ready to really understand where you are in your wellbeing journey and build a dynamic roadmap for success get in touch and let’s get started