Thriving Times

Burn Out: What It Is and How It Affects You

Business life is demanding.  Personal life is demanding.  Many of us find ourselves walking a tightrope between trying to meet life’s growing...

Price! What To Do & Not To Do

The topic of price raises its pretty head time and time again. It can be full of thorns or one that brings...

Wellbeing Is More Than Bubble Baths

When you're tired of throwing well-being initiatives into thin air, crossing your fingers and waiting to see what lands... It’s time to...

Your Brain Controls Your Self Talk

If you keep getting results you don't want - over and over and over again, it's time to change your automaticity settings!...

52 Stressors At Work

Stress is not something to endure, but to find and fix the cause. Stress is not the cause of your business woes....

The Most Important Quality For Success

Most people desire to succeed.  They get a book or program or take the first step, but they fail.  They don't follow through. ...

Revenue Rollercoaster Escape

What if sometimes you're selling too much and sometimes your not selling enough? There is no predictability to sales volume. Your mind...

Consciousness In Business

The world stands at a crossroads. Post pandemic we continue to face unprecedented personal, local and global challenges – environmental crisis, wellbeing,...

Activating The Law Of Attraction… In Business

We live in a universe with powerful forces all around us. Gravity for instance is not something we can turn on or...

7 Gifts That Give You Abundance

Everything in life and business grows when we give. Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get. We...

Leadership – The New Paradigm

I regularly participate in transformative gatherings with leaders from a various sectors - from education to law, wellbeing to animal science. Even...

Will I Lose Clients If I Raise My Fees

A client who is a highly skilled consultant asked me a question.  “If I raise my fees I’ll lose clients wont I?”...