We live in a universe with powerful forces all around us.
Gravity for instance is not something we can turn on or off. It just is… all the time. We can’t dispute it, choose to fight it or disregard it. We can’t complain about it or one morning decide not to use it.
The Law of Attraction is also a law. It has been used for centuries, yet most people don’t know how it really works. Some people say it works some of the time. Yet it is a law (like gravity) so it must work all of the time.
I grew up immersed in the principles of the Law of Attraction, except I didn’t know that is what it was called. All I knew was if I wanted something I had to follow a few simple instructions and whatever I wanted would appear in my life. Over the years, I’ve learned more, refined my process, worked out why it doesn’t work for some people and of course found the solutions to get people back on track so The Law does work for them.
The Basic Form of The Law of Attraction
In the most simple form, the Law of Attraction states: what you think about, feel strongly about, talk about or believe srongly you will bring about in your life (and business).
Our indigenous ancestors knew and accepted this way of living.
Many of the great thinkers, philosophers and spiritual teachers throughout time have continually pointed us to the power our thoughts have over our lives. But for our high-tec 21st century world, the question often heard, is, “how can thoughts control our lives – they’re just thoughts!”
Because thoughts are pure energy, they impact everything in our physical world – from our bodies to our place in the world.
Modern science knows that everything in the universe is made up of energy. We are accepting that physical objects are made up of billions of tiny little atoms. We know the chemical composition of books and tables, metals and plastics and all the raw materials used in manufacturing of physical objects, but thoughts are nonphysical.
Nonphysical things, including thoughts, are also made of pure energy. Think for a moment about a lie detector, or an electroencephalograph (EEG) that measures electrical activity in the brain. Our brain waves (our thoughts) are intense energy pulses that EEG equipment can easily detect. This unseen force interacts continuously with our physical world. So, how does this happen?
Have you ever thought about a friend you haven’t seen in a long time, then, just minutes later, you receive an unexpected phone call from them? Or perhaps you’ve silently desired something, then suddenly you receive it, or find yourself in a situation where it is unexpectedly given to you? This is the power of the thoughts you hold and your most intense desire.
Your world is as a result of your thinking. The only way you can change your world is to change your thinking.
Everything on Earth is in a constant state of vibration… including you
Everything on Earth is vibrating at a specific frequency that is unique to the object or person at any specific moment. Everything is in a constant state of changing vibration. Literally energy in motion – hence “emotion”.
Through our own intense emotions we have the power to raise or lower our vibrational frequency to objects, experiences or outcomes we want to attract or desire most in our life or business.
Start Intentionally Creating Your Future Business
To start activating the universal law of attraction in a systematised way, first you’ll need to decide what you want, then practice feeling the emotions of the outcome.
Perhaps you would like more people in your team to be more productive and happier. How would you feel when everybody in the team arrived at your goal? How would you interact with them? How would you walk into a room with them? What would you be doing differently throughout your day?
The more you focus on and talk about what you DO want (instead of what you don’t want, or don’t like) the faster you will achieve your desired outcome, goals and dreams.
Join Me
P.S. If you really want to use the power of “energy in motion” to help reate your abundant business, check out The Joyful Profit Method – together we will turbo-charge you to your next level of success.