“Do No Harm”. This shared human value of compassion and respect has permeated humankind through the ages and is still found around the world today.
Absorbing other people’s dramas, feeling anxiety or fear about what other people will think of you are some of the most potent ways to betray your nervous system.
Many people live in a state of chronic stress, burn out, overwhelm, anxiety, dis-ease and disease which all send our nervous system into disarray.
When you decide to end the cycle of self betrayal and cultivate a practice of nurturing your nervous system you will begin to truly heal.
Consciously cultivating awareness and right action, you will step into your power and bring balance to your nervous system. Feelings of self trust will return and self care and nurture will feel easier and more natural as you return to your natural, optimal state of being.
Beware! “The Temporary Fix Trap”
Clients often say they’ve read self-help books, listened to podcasts, even had counselling or coaching but they still don’t feel better or reach their goals. They are trapped in the same cycle, yet they know there is more; something else they are searching for.
The truth is when you are searching for a solution, first you must define the problem clearly and precisely, which comes with it’s own problem – they problem you think you have may not be the real problem! This is one of the reasons why some interventions appear to work, then you find yourself back in the same place again.
First soothe symptoms.
Calming the nervous system involves techniques that activate your parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for your “rest and digest” response and I’ll share some powerful practices lbelow.
However, for many busy business leaders, owners and directors taking time to soothe symptoms can cause more stress. The brain takes over and floods the mind and body with a chemical cocktail and you find yourself more stressed about the mounting pile of work to be done. The trick here is through positive and nurturing self talk that acknowledges the concerns of your mind, yet intelligently and factually you give yourself timebound permission to nurture your nervous system.
Methods of soothing your nervous system.
- Smooth, deep, rhythmic breathing activates the vagus nerve calming your nervous system.
- Progressive muscle relaxation relieves the physical tension that signals stress. By tensing for a few seconds and releasing one muscle group at a time you can focus on the sensation of physical relaxation.
- Mindfulness and meditation enhances focus and calm. Many busy business owners say they don’t have time for meditation, so I teach business clients a very specific meditation that suits their minds and has a profound effect on their body, mind and business.
- Gentle physical movement including walking in nature, yoga, tai chi all release endorphins and reduce stress hormones.
- Cold water therapy stimulates the vagus nerve and promotes calmness through the body. You could simply splash your face with cold water, take a cool shower or run cool water on the inside of your wrists.
- Soothing sounds or music calms neural pathways. Everyone is different, so experiment with calming classical music, nature sounds, binaural beats, even sound healing with Tibetan singing bowls.
- Aromatherapy works with certain scents influencing the limbic system, which controls emotions and relaxation. Classic relaxing aromas include lavender, chamomile or sandalwood, but everyone is different, so choose what works for you. For many of my clients I create personalised blends to support the change of megahertz frequency within the body through aroma – the effects are remarkable.
- Grounding brings awareness back to the present moment and reduces anxiety. There are many methods, but one of my favourites is walking barefoot on the earth, or practicing Zen Walking, also known as Kinhin and practiced by Buddhist Monks.
- Stay hydrated and have good nutrition to balance your blood sugars. Reduce foods and drinks which may cause your irritability.
- Connect with others who you feel safe and relaxed with. This may be business lunches with like minded people, or sharing feelings with trusted friends.
- Therapeutic massage releases tension and calms the nervous system. Working with a professional who understands the nervous system and business stresses brings deeper benefits.
- Restorative sleep allows the nervous system to reset and repair, but for many business owners sleep can be broken and short. Often by taking the indirect route and incorporating other methods, sleep naturally improves.
- Gratitude practice is one of the simplest and easiest methods to incorporate into every day life and instantly shifts focus from stress to the more positive aspects of life. Making a conscious effort to thank people for the small acts of kindness nurtures your nervous system and creates a ripple of gratitude and more positive vibes in the world.
Be Inspired
Live life from a place of inspiration and nurture your nervous system.
The word “inspiration” is derived from the latin word inspirare or inspiritus which means ‘to draw air into the lungs’ , ‘To breathe into’ , ‘To breathe in spirit’ or simply put, to be alive. One of the easiest ways to nurture your nervous system is to relearn how to breathe deep, full, nurturing breaths.
Living and breathing in spirit simply guides you to mastering your thoughts, behaviours and emotions which empowers you with new ways of thinking and reasons to think thoughts previous not though. Living in spirit and nurturing your nervous system brings harmony to you, your life, your home and your business.
Join Me
Become inspired, nurture your nervous system and take charge of your life. Embrace personal responsibility and actively create your future from the inside out. Contact Gail for details of Nurture Your Nervous System is a 12 week personalised programme of transformation.