Transformational & Business Keynote Speaker
Looking for a fresh thinking speaker for your next event?
Gail has delivered keynotes around the world and can add a grounded human perspective to current business challenges.
Her keynotes are a distillation of decades of work with CEO’s, leaders and entrepreneurs, guiding them to transformation through the game changing new paradigm of Conscious Leadership.
To book Gail as a speaker, get in touch via the contact form.
Gail Doesn't Do Motivation
She does inspiration and accelerated transformation.
She effortlessly connects her message to each audience member weaving practical steps to self-mastery with achieving desired business success. Gail is self-effacing yet shares compelling insights into her extraordinary journey to the top of the corporate ladder, her setup, scaling and sale of four businesses, as well as her epic charity motorcycle journey around the coast of Great Britain - all whilst weaving heart and soul of being human into every project, person and business she has worked with.
What if someone told you the success of your business rests with your breath? Gails shares the science and shows you how and why your profitable success starts with your next breath. Discover how to master yourself, inspire your team and your professional world, helping others to live a life and business they consciously design.
When Gail speaks, people listen.
Gail Speaks and Inspires Transformational Change
Looking for the edge to create your next business success?
Gail's stance is that we don't have business problems, we have personal problems that reflect in business results. When we discover the tools of self-mastery that are directly related to desired business results we can purposefully create the successes we strive for.
Gail tailors her keynotes to a roundtable of four or your stadium conference.
In this new age of being, Gail understands at a visceral level that the human mind, heart and soul are key to business success more today than at any time in our recent past.
She sits in the space where the personal and the professional collide, showing how we can master the art and science of being human.