Solicitors… How To Stop Client Complaints Now!

Solicitors… How To Stop Client Complaints Now!

27/04/2018 by

Gail Biddulph

Client complaints are still increasing.

SRA, Law Society, other experts and The Press refer to “managing complaints more effectively”. Wouldn’t it be preferable to stop complaints?

The shocking statistics from LeO for the period 12/13 show the top 3 areas of complaints were Communications (34%), Progress (30%) and Costs (16%).  In my opinion, those complaints are avoidable.  That’s 80% of all complaints eradicated – how?

Phase 1
Start by using your file review system effectively.  It is pivotal to complaint reduction, as well as improving your profits.  Most firms have not caught on to the opportunities available to them by having an effective internal file review system.  Based on my experience of reviewing files for over 420 law firms, the average improvement in fee earner performance and subsequent profits is a whopping 44%.

Phase 2
In conjunction with your file review system analyse the complaints (or grumbles!) you’ve received from clients over the last 12 months.

Categorise them into 4 problem groups:

  1. Communication
  2. Progress
  3. Costs
  4. Other

Phase 3
The last category of “Other” may need more careful analysis and understanding.  It is likely to contain the least number of complaints, but may give you pertinent information.

Take the following 5 steps to start reducing your complaints straightaway:

  1. Identify the trends for each of the categories above.
  2. Identify the cause of the trends – it may be a management issue, system problem, lack of training, or an errant fee earner.
  3. Create an Action Plan for each trend to put in place precise, objective systems, processes, procedures and training to make sure those complaints cannot happen again.
  4. Monitor the system.
  5. “Rinse and Repeat”.

Improved Fee Earner Performance = Reduced Complaints = Increased Profitability


About Gail
An expert in the business benefits, client service, improving mental health and wellbeing and optimising the overlooked benefits of an effective file review system.  Gail has consulted and managed improvements for over 400 law firms with empirical evidence based on the results of over 45,000 file reviews.  Previously the managing director of an outsourced file review company and law firm director.  She has trained lawyers, written an MBA on law frm management and effectively improves PEP.  Gail’s focus is on creating successful businesses whilst improving mental health and wellbeing.

If you would like to discuss without obligation and in confidence how I can help you, please contact me.