Thriving Times - Well-being

Burn Out: What It Is and How It Affects You

Business life is demanding.  Personal life is demanding.  Many of us find ourselves walking a tightrope between trying to meet life’s growing...

Wellbeing Is More Than Bubble Baths

When you're tired of throwing well-being initiatives into thin air, crossing your fingers and waiting to see what lands... It’s time to...

Be Clear About What You Want

Are you clear about what you really want? Because if you are not, the question of how to create it doesn’t arise....

Stress is a Strategic Problem

The vast majority of people don’t go to work to get stressed. Yet, when “The Boss”, Directors, Managers or Leaders suffer chronic...

Joy, Focus, Walking For Success

Here Are 3 Ways To Wellbeing That Work I.  The important lessons of focus aren’t taught at school but are essential for...

How Yoga Nidra Balances Your Busy Business Brain

What has Yoga Nidra got to do with business?  The answer, in one word… Everything! People running their own business are thinking...

Top 3 Business Benefits of Walking

The average office worker sits for 9.5 hours per day. If you run your own business that figure increases to over 12...

5 Steps to a Better Mental Health

Is there anything in your business not created from thought? From the initial concept of your great business idea to your website...

Every day more people are sitting for longer.  Doctors and scientists tell us that sitting for prolonged periods isn’t good for us. ...

What feels like a lifetime ago, I decided to learn Yoga. With no classes where I lived, I bought another book.  But...