The concept of target marketing, market segmentation and identifying your demographic may be phrases you’ve heard bandied about by marketing professionals.
But what do they mean and why is it important to your business?
Very often people tell me it doesn’t really apply to them, because they can work with anyone. And of course there is an inbuilt fear that by narrowing who you work with will mean you get even less clients.
Well, let me bust that myth!
When you know exactly who you want to work with and how you solve their biggest problem you can dip into the growing pool of people with that problem and have another new client when you wish. I call this “fishing where they feed”. If you want to catch cod, you won’t find it in the salmon river!
I saw this concept perfectly implemented today shopping at the Whole Foods Market. This is shop that is eco friendly and organic, so that’s what I’m going to find. I won’t find added preservatives or additives or budget ranges.
And what this means is that we can have meaningful conversations with the people we’d like to work with.
First step is to discover what your ideal client wants. Remember their needs will be different to their wants!
Here are 5 questions for you to ponder:
- What frustrates them?
- What are they afraid of?
- What are they worried about?
- What keeps them awake at night?
- If you could wave a magic wand, what would be the perfect solution you could offer them.
To make the picture even clearer, think about a typical day in their life. Do they have children, what car do they drive, what type of holidays do they take, what sports do they enjoy? Paint the picture as vividly as you can.
And, if you’d like help to sort this as quickly as possible for you, I’m here. You can book your time with me here.